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Consolidating your pension pots


What you need to consider to ensure you don’t lose out

Have you ever considered moving and consolidating your pension to another scheme or provider? There are a whole host of reasons why people might want to do this before they reach retirement. Some are looking for better fund performance, lower charges or better death benefits; others are simply changing jobs.

Most schemes will allow you to move your pension pot to another pension scheme, which could be a new employer’s workplace pension scheme, a personal pension scheme, a self-invested personal pension (SIPP) or a stakeholder pension (SHP) scheme.

You don’t have to decide straight away – you can generally do this at any time up to a year before the date that you are expected to start drawing retirement benefits. In some cases, it’s also possible to move to a new pension provider after you have started to draw retirement benefits.

Before taking any action, it is essential you obtain professional, expert financial advice.

Moving to a new employer

When you leave one job to move to another one, you are treated as having left the workplace pension scheme, but you do not lose the benefits you have accrued. At this stage, you may decide that you want to consolidate your pot to the scheme offered by your new workplace.

But if you are thinking about doing this, it is important to do it for financial – and not emotional – reasons. It’s crucial that you don’t move your pension pot out of a first-rate scheme simply because you want to cut all links with an old employer.

Looking for better performance

Some people opt to consolidate their pension because they are in an underperforming scheme delivering poor – or non-existent – returns. If your scheme is performing poorly, you may well want to move your money elsewhere.

But once again you need to ask yourself whether you are prepared to invest your pension pot in higher risk funds to potentially obtain a better return. If you are approaching retirement age, you need to think particularly carefully before making such a decision.

No guarantees are provided regarding the performance of any new scheme and/or any underlying investment funds/solutions. As such, there is no guarantee equal or higher returns will be achieved when compared to your existing arrangement(s).

Seeking out lower charges

You may want to consolidate your pension because your scheme comes with punitive charges which eat into your returns, leaving you with less money in retirement.

Wanting to access a wider range of funds

At the same time, consolidating your pension may sound like a good option if you want to gain access to a wider range of funds than those offered by your current scheme.

Searching for better death benefits

If you feel the death benefits on offer with your current scheme do not match up to those offered by more modern schemes, you may want to consolidate your pension to a different scheme.

You might, for example, want to move your money into a scheme that allows one of your relatives to inherit your pension when you die, rather than simply spouses or dependents. The same might apply if you are not married to your long-term partner but want them to inherit your pension once you’re gone.

Wanting to consolidate several pensions

As people change jobs more frequently during their working life, they often accumulate a number of small pensions along the way. It can be hard keeping track of schemes, and difficult to really know how much your total retirement is worth.

For this reason, some savers may want to clean up their finances by consolidating their pensions into one pot.

Think carefully before making the switch

You need to be careful before moving your pension pot out of certain schemes – including public sector schemes, such as the nurses’ or teachers’ schemes – as these offer extremely generous benefits which can be hard to replicate elsewhere.

Equally, if you are thinking about moving your personal pension to another provider, you must check that the benefits are not outweighed by any exit penalties and entry charges.

Professional, expert financial advice

If you’re a member of a defined benefits pension scheme and the value of your benefits is more than £30,000, you will need to take professional, expert financial advice to ensure that the value you are offered represents good value and that this is in your best interests – you may be giving up guaranteed pension benefits, especially if you’re moving your pension pot to a defined contribution pension scheme. Please contact 01403 333 145 or email for more information.



This is for your general information and use only and is not intended to address your particular requirements. The content should not be relied upon in its entirety and shall not be deemed to be, or constitute, advice. Although endeavours have been made to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation. For Reeves Financial, published by Goldmine Media Limited, Basepoint Innovation Centre, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 8DL Content copyright protected by Goldmine Media Limited 2016. Unauthorised duplication or distribution is strictly forbidden.

Adam Reeves

Author: Adam Reeves

Independent Financial Planner, Wealth Manager, Director

Last updated on

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Adam was quick to assess & understand my situation, and was able to discuss & communicate in a very concise and simple way the various options available to me, taking time for me to understand and clarify where necessary. My understanding & knowledge of taxation & pensions has increased significantly allowing me to feel much happier making financial decisions for the future.

Rob – West Sussex

Adam and his team undertook in-depth research into our existing QROPS schemes and clearly set out both pros and cons of transferring the funds back to the UK. Having decided to go ahead with the transfer, Adam and his team worked extremely hard to facilitate the transfer. The QROPS pension trustees were not always the most professional or responsive organisation – however we were very grateful for the perseverance and commitment that Adam showed us as clients.

Jonathan – East Sussex

Adam offered a range of financial products , the one he suggested was affordable and proved to be a good choice.  Returns on investments have exceeded my expectations, based on Adam’s advice and guidance. Profits have enabled house improvements to take place.

David - Surrey

Adam arranged an appointment very timely, he explained his role and qualifications as an IFA giving me reassurance , we went through my retirement and investment goals. Adam discussed my options explaining in great detail, I felt relaxed during our discussions allowing me to fully understand my choices. I feel very confident in the financial advice allowing me to enjoy my retirement.

I was very happy with Adam’s recommendations and explanations of financial products which would suit my retirement goals, I feel this has helped me review and reduce my financial risk as I reach retirement, leaving me feeling confident that I can enjoy my retirement plans.

Ron – West Sussex

After initial meeting Adam put together a very detailed and thorough written plan. At our second meeting he went through the whole booklet and explained everything in layman’s terms which made it a lot easier to understand.

I am very happy with everything that was suggested and put in place especially with something as big and important as pensions. Adam and his team have taken a huge weight off my shoulders and I would highly recommend their services to anyone needing help with their financial planning and pension.  Adam couldn’t have been more helpful, and even came outside his normal area to meet me on a number of occasions.

Richard - Kent

Unfortunately I had to claim on my critical illness insurance due to my wife being ill and because of the sound advice Adam gave in acquiring this insurance we ended up being financially safe through a tough time.

Steve - Kent

Adam did a review of our financial situation, confirmed that Flexible Drawdown best suited our needs as a family, and then did all the research into the best product for us. He will continue to monitor it for me. He acted extremely promptly because we had a deadline for requiring the lump sum; went out of his way arranging meetings during non-office hours, was professional yet friendly and explained a difficult subject very well.

Clare – East Sussex

Adam did a thorough review of my pension policies, clearly explained how well they had performed, how flexible they were, how the market regulation has changed, and, crucially, what the tax implications would be if I were to leave them untouched. He accurately assessed my attitude to risk and recommended an up-to-date solution that will offer me the greatest flexibility at retirement.

Greg – East Sussex
Read all our reviews here
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