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Sandwich generation

Two-thirds of people in the UK will care for a loved one at some point

With life expectancy rising and more people starting families later, around 1.3 million individuals in England and Wales now have caring responsibilities for older and younger dependents. If this sounds familiar, you’re likely part of the ‘sandwich generation’[1].

Commonly aged between 45 and 54, the sandwich generation often provides financial assistance and physical care for their parents while also looking after their children. Increasingly, this includes young adults still living at home and needing financial support to kickstart their futures. These additional responsibilities can be costly and reduce your ability to take on paid work, making saving time harder.

A unique financial landscape

If you’re part of the sandwich generation, your financial planning might look different from older generations, who, at your age, likely had fewer expenses and more to save for retirement. However, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that two-thirds of people in the UK will care for a loved one at some point, and half will provide care before they turn age 50[2].

Here are some considerations to help you become financially resilient when you’re taking care of yourself and others too.

Joint financial planning

We all have unique situations – no one-size-fits-all approach to financial planning exists. Whatever your financial situation, being transparent with your spouse, partner, family or support unit can help. Talking about your plans – and backup plans – could help you and your loved ones make the future you want a reality.

If you manage finances collectively, ensure your planning considers all the current and future circumstances that could impact your family’s income. This might include speaking with working adult children or extended family living at home to help them understand how they fit into your family’s wider financial goals.

Think long-term

Thinking ahead can help you plan how to support your loved ones best when they need it most. Try writing a list of things you might want to save for or need to prepare for, like parents going into care, university fees or housing costs for your children, and goals for your future.
While some people in the sandwich generation might have to consider working for longer or retiring later, it’s essential to think about the lifestyle you want when you stop working. Ask yourself what actions your 80-year-old self would be grateful for you taking now.

Motivation for the future

A clear, long-term vision can motivate you to take positive and responsible steps for the future. Financial wellbeing research has shown that those with a more concrete vision of their future had less debt and better emergency and long-term savings. Utilising tools to help you picture what your life could look like and tips to help you get there can be beneficial.

Review your budget

With many things to save for, prioritising is key. You could set mini targets to reach by certain points in time for different needs – these should be realistic regarding your budget. Consider your income and how much you can afford to save each month.

It might help to create different ‘pots’ for specific purposes or people, ranging from your own retirement, to funding further education, care, housing deposits, weddings and more. You should also consider building an emergency fund for unexpected scenarios, like losing your job or a boiler breakdown. But it’s also important to factor in money for things you enjoy.

Professional financial advice

Obtaining professional financial advice could help you understand how to balance your competing financial priorities. An adviser can provide tailored recommendations to help you achieve your financial goals while managing responsibilities.

Entitlement awareness

Don’t miss out on any discounts or benefits. For example, households with children might be eligible for Child Benefit or free childcare hours, depending on your circumstances. If you’re providing care for any relatives or loved ones, government help such as Carer’s Allowance and Carer’s Credit might be available.

You’re entitled to one week of unpaid carer’s leave in the workplace every 12 months, subject to conditions[3]. In this scenario, you should check your employment contract in case your work offers any additional benefits or leave. Some employers also offer discounts and deals through voucher schemes, which might mean spending less on groceries or luxury items.

National Insurance credits

If your parents can still carry out babysitting duties, you might be able to pass over National Insurance credits to them to help boost their State Pension. Understanding the benefits available can help you maximise financial support for your family.

Smart debt management

Debt isn’t to be taken lightly, but it’s not always bad. Taking on a mortgage, for example, can give your family the stability of a place to grow and spend time together. However, be careful with what kind of debt you’re taking on. If you’re struggling with debt or loan repayments, many sources of help are available.

Self-care is crucial

Currently, around 8% of the UK population is providing informal care[4]. If you’re one of them, remember to think about your own future, too. People in mid-life who have caring responsibilities are more likely to reduce the amount of paid work they do so that they can provide care. This is also more common among women than men.

Reducing your paid work might, in turn, reduce the amount you have in any workplace pension. It could also lessen your National Insurance contributions which influence your State Pension. Obtaining professional advice before reducing your paid work could help you see the bigger picture and still save for your future while supporting your loved ones.

Looking after loved ones can be challenging but rewarding. Encourage your family to come together to be a source of support and motivation for each other. Remember to take care of yourself while caring for others. Taking steps to strengthen your family’s financial wellbeing can also help build resilience in your own mental wellbeing.

Source data:
[1] More than one in four sandwich carers report symptoms of mental ill-health. Data source, Office for National Statistics, January 2019, accessed May 2024.
[2] Will I Care: The Likelihood of Being a Carer in Adult Life. Data source, Carers UK, November 2019.
[3] Unpaid carer’s leave. Data source, GOV.UK, accessed May 2024.
[4] Family resource survey: financial year 2022 to 2023. Data source, GOV.UK, updated March 2024.


Adam Reeves

Author: Adam Reeves

Independent Financial Planner, Wealth Manager, Director

Last updated on

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Adam was quick to assess & understand my situation, and was able to discuss & communicate in a very concise and simple way the various options available to me, taking time for me to understand and clarify where necessary. My understanding & knowledge of taxation & pensions has increased significantly allowing me to feel much happier making financial decisions for the future.

Rob – West Sussex

Adam and his team undertook in-depth research into our existing QROPS schemes and clearly set out both pros and cons of transferring the funds back to the UK. Having decided to go ahead with the transfer, Adam and his team worked extremely hard to facilitate the transfer. The QROPS pension trustees were not always the most professional or responsive organisation – however we were very grateful for the perseverance and commitment that Adam showed us as clients.

Jonathan – East Sussex

Adam offered a range of financial products , the one he suggested was affordable and proved to be a good choice.  Returns on investments have exceeded my expectations, based on Adam’s advice and guidance. Profits have enabled house improvements to take place.

David - Surrey

Adam arranged an appointment very timely, he explained his role and qualifications as an IFA giving me reassurance , we went through my retirement and investment goals. Adam discussed my options explaining in great detail, I felt relaxed during our discussions allowing me to fully understand my choices. I feel very confident in the financial advice allowing me to enjoy my retirement.

I was very happy with Adam’s recommendations and explanations of financial products which would suit my retirement goals, I feel this has helped me review and reduce my financial risk as I reach retirement, leaving me feeling confident that I can enjoy my retirement plans.

Ron – West Sussex

After initial meeting Adam put together a very detailed and thorough written plan. At our second meeting he went through the whole booklet and explained everything in layman’s terms which made it a lot easier to understand.

I am very happy with everything that was suggested and put in place especially with something as big and important as pensions. Adam and his team have taken a huge weight off my shoulders and I would highly recommend their services to anyone needing help with their financial planning and pension.  Adam couldn’t have been more helpful, and even came outside his normal area to meet me on a number of occasions.

Richard - Kent

Unfortunately I had to claim on my critical illness insurance due to my wife being ill and because of the sound advice Adam gave in acquiring this insurance we ended up being financially safe through a tough time.

Steve - Kent

Adam did a review of our financial situation, confirmed that Flexible Drawdown best suited our needs as a family, and then did all the research into the best product for us. He will continue to monitor it for me. He acted extremely promptly because we had a deadline for requiring the lump sum; went out of his way arranging meetings during non-office hours, was professional yet friendly and explained a difficult subject very well.

Clare – East Sussex

Adam did a thorough review of my pension policies, clearly explained how well they had performed, how flexible they were, how the market regulation has changed, and, crucially, what the tax implications would be if I were to leave them untouched. He accurately assessed my attitude to risk and recommended an up-to-date solution that will offer me the greatest flexibility at retirement.

Greg – East Sussex
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